Follow Liz’s blog to find out about the latest insight into the benefits of physiotherapy, tips on post-natal recovery, pre-natal recommendations, news about upcoming pilates classes and some useful references for general health and wellbeing.
Does your scar bother you?
Most people can heal well after injury or surgery, but a few years ago I noticed I was seeing more women after a Caesarean with sensitivity and discomfort which was quite impactful. It might have been the limiting factor to their run or maybe they were guarding it and worrying as loved ones came close.
What exercise should I do in Pregnancy?
As a physio specialising in womens health I’m asked this question a lot. There’s loads of information online and stacks of opinions out there as to whats right and wrong in pregnancy so I’ve taken a look at the official advice from the Department of Health (DoH) in the UK, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (ACOG) as well as the recently published Canadian Guidelines for those of you with a straight forward pregnancy. If I’m totally honest most women I see want to do more rather than less… what was it one of my pregnancy clients said? If I want to ride my horse I’m just going to google “how to ride my horse safely in pregnancy”. Now thats another discussion…
5 reasons why you should book a postnatal check (your ‘mummy mot’) with Liz Knowles today!
Birth is a significant event, both physically and emotionally. After giving birth, alongside the joy of welcoming your little one, you may also face challenges like worry, sleep deprivation, and physical recovery.